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The EdgeviewNet Blog
Saturday, 8 November 2003
Finally time to turn off that tube?
I suppose I should've known that it was just a matter of time. It was just a matter of time before the living with the MBA Presidency would soon feel like working for any medium-large size corporation. It was only a matter of time before the books could be cooked to look the way we employees need to see them to stay motivated to keep our nation-corporation intact.

Maybe we are the "labor" part of the pie of things the administration must keep under control or at the very least, satisfied. Maybe we're the "shareholders" part of that pie, in which case, it's still ok to lie according to common corporate practice...or at least spin appropriately to maintain stockholder support.

It really seems to have crossed the line from spin to lies, no matter which part of the pie represents we who live here. I felt that way as a college student, but I thought things had changed. Ha. I really should've known it was just a matter of time before the machine peeked out from behind that kinder and gentler mask.

Rats, I feel like such a Democrat or worse....today's perception of "liberal." Yegads! Anything but that, right? Not right, because who cares. Only those writing the scripts really believe that polarized liberal-conservative stuff. If not, well maybe it will be that way again soon and we'll all be just people trying to live together in a shrinking world.

Posted by edgeviewtunes at 2:23 PM CST
Sunday, 5 October 2003
First Entry in First Blog
So this is what a blog looks like from the inside! Looks like email from here, but it may turn out to be easier than The Daily Geek. Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Posted by edgeviewtunes at 8:09 PM CDT

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